Monday, August 6, 2012


sunrise at punthuk setumbu borobodur nirwana
  Sunrise is a beautiful sight that was born as the sun started coming out of the contest. In Magelang, Central Java, there are two beautiful places to enjoy the sunrise, the Borobudur Temple and Mount Punthuk Setumbu.

Borobudur temple is located in Magelang, Central Java. This temple is a world heritage site and could be candidates New 7 Wonders. It is located 40 km northwest of Yogyakarta. Its beauty is able to attract many tourists to come visit him.

This historic temple has six square terraces, on which there are three circular courtyard. On the walls are decorated with relief panels 2672 and originally contained 504 statues of Buddha.

If you want others to enjoy the beauty of Borobudur, try to arrive around 04.00 a.m. There, you can watch a beautiful sunrise. Combination of yellow with a thick fog made ​​the scene like a painting on canvas.  
If you want to watch the sunrise from other places, there is also a hill in Magelang. The Name is Punthuk Stumbu which also has beautiful scenery. From the hills as high as 400 meters above sea level, you can see the light of dawn shrouded Borobudur Temple. The result picture of sun rise in punthuk stumbu hill like is as above..!!! You can Enjoy natural scanery is very Beautiful during the trip or ascent the hill. the cool air during the trip it will and can make you feel comfortable..

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